Useful information

We hope the following documents may be of help to you.  Remember, these documents are for informational purposes only. Since every situation is different and things change, you should consult an attorney about your specific legal needs.

To comply with IRS regulations, we are required to inform you that this web site, if it contains advice relating to federal taxes, cannot be used for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed under federal tax law. Any tax advice that is expressed in this web site is limited to the tax issues addressed in this message. If advice is required that satisfies applicable IRS regulations, for a tax opinion appropriate for avoidance of federal tax law penalties, please contact a tax attorney to arrange a suitable engagement for that purpose

For useful information and documents, please see below:

Small Estate Information

Duties of a Guardian
Guardian Petition Information Needed
Guardian Intake sheet

Duties of a Conservator
Conservatorship Intake Sheet

State of Oregon Medicaid Eligibility  Rules